Woven Wood Shades in a Modern Farmhouse Kitchen

Style Guide: Farmhouse Window Treatments

When you think about your ideal room design, do you often picture a casual, warm, and relaxing room? Do you like a mix of vintage and modern pieces? If you answered yes to both of these questions, you might describe your design style as Farmhouse or Modern Farmhouse. At 3 Day Blinds, we have various options that will fit this design aesthetic. When we think about Farmhouse window treatments, we think of 3 product lines: Woven Woods, Roller Shades, and Drapery.

It is worth noting that designing using Farmhouse techniques doesn't mean your space is overly kitschy or a hodge-podge of random items and knick-knacks. Farmhouse design is about creating an area that is casual and warm.


Woven Woods


Woven Wood Shades are a fantastic way to bring some of the outdoors inside. Because these shades are made of natural materials like bamboo, jute, and grass bring a live feel to the room. Additionally, Woven Wood Shades bring texture to any space and help keep your room visually interesting. One of the design tenants of a farmhouse style is adding woods, making these shades a perfect match for wood countertops or hardwood floors, especially wide plank floors. Woven Woods also bring in a rustic charm synonymous with Farmhouse design.

Additionally, you can bring a modern twist to these treatments by adding motorization and home automation. With motorization and home automation, you control your window treatments with a button or voice commands. Home automation isn't confined to a single style; we recommend it to make your life easier. It's as easy as setting it and forgetting it.


Roller Shades


Roller Shades are a timeless classic and can be used as an "old" style with new life. They are practical and functional while also being stylish. As stated in our Modern Design inspiration page, Roller Shades are versatile at fitting into any room's design aesthetic, including a Farmhouse style.

These shades are a timeless look that can elevate a space but can also be used to make a room more casual. Roller Shades are a perfect way to make a space feel more easygoing. One way they do that is by being a low-maintenance product. Farmhouse design didn't rise in popularity because it was a prevailing style when it first came out; it grew in popularity because people were looking to prioritize functionality. Roller Shades are available in various materials, attracting less dust. You needn't worry about a musty room smell/cleaning your treatments every week.




Much like Roller Shades, Drapery is a timeless classic that has been around for ages. That said, there's no need to make your draperies the "old" to go along with the new. One characteristic of the Farmhouse style is a warm and inviting feel, and what's more attractive than a drapery that looks like it could double as a blanket in colder months?


Ok, maybe we're joking about using our draperies and curtains as blankets in the colder months. Like tapestries or the aforementioned Woven Wood Shades, draperies add visual warmth to the room, making the space feel inviting. You can layer window treatments underneath curtains to bring a tied-together look to any room. Layered window treatments will also make a room more visually attractive.


No matter which window treatment you choose, 3 Day Blinds has an option that is sure to work for you. We've been in the window treatments business for more than 40 years and have kept up with design trends as they come and go and sometimes come back again. One thing is for sure; our locally-based design consultants are with you every step of the way. They will provide expert advice and accurate measurements, help you with the design process, and can arrange for the installation of your treatments, all in the comfort of your home. Don't wait on your next home renovation project. Schedule your free in-home consultation today to begin!