3 Day Blinds - Elk Grove Village, IL


Elk Grove Village, Illinois…The “Exceptional Community!"
With its official town motto of “The Exceptional Community”, Elk Grove Village, Illinois enjoys much of what it’s well known neighbor Chicago has, without a lot of the stress and traffic. For enjoying the beautiful outdoors, Busse Woods Trail System lays down a first-rate network of hiking and biking trails, and Pirate's Cove Children's Theme Park will treat your kids to a thrilling adventure experience. And for an unmatched experience in designing and exploring your new window treatments, more homeowners in Elk Grove Village, Illinois turn to 3 Day Blinds than any other window treatment provider.

Keeping Elk Grove Village, Illinois Styling all Year ‘Round.
Whether you’re looking to finish a room or complete a home makeover, our locally-based, highly trained Design Consultants will guide you through the entire process of selecting the perfect Blinds, Shades, Shutters or Drapery. Thoughtful design, quality craftsmanship, and an eye for detail make 3 Day Blinds their trusted brand for those looking to make a fashion statement with new window treatments. And in many cases we can design, measure and ship your new Blinds in just 3 days!

Let 3 Day Blinds Elevate Your Indoor Style and Your Lifestyle!
Call today and see why more folks in Elk Grove Village, Illinois have 3 Day Blinds on speed dial for completing their home’s look with fashionable window treatments. One call does it all!